
This site was brought about by frustration!

It is an attempt to detail all the Sevens tournaments in Scotland.

I’ve found that most of the Scottish Sevens tournaments – with the exception of the Borders Sevens circuit – are poorly recorded.

These perhaps less glamorous tournaments – although played more or less annually and each with great history of their own – are sometimes recorded only locally. This has meant getting details of each tournaments – the winners, the draw, the results, the women’s and junior tournaments etc. almost a herculean if not impossible task.

This site attempts to remedy that.

So, if you know of any Sevens tournaments not listed, let me know and I’ll add them. 

For most of these tournaments any information would be good. I’m particularly looking for past winners; or any details of Sevens tournaments like Women’s tournaments, junior tournaments, draws etc. Any details given will be appreciated.